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How to Deal with Pandemic Fatigue

While some are already transitioning to going back to their offices, there are still those who remain working from home.
There have been countless reports of people feeling more tired and groggy while working from home. Thanks to research and our sleep experts here at Emma, we have compiled a list of tips and habits to avoid that will ensure that you keep getting quality sleep even if your work routine is constantly changing.
What makes you feel tired during this pandemic?
All of these problems can be linked to “sleep inertia,” or when the body is still in a transitional state of being asleep and being awake.
An increase in clumsiness
Constantly distracted
In a state of confusion
All of these conditions can cause many problems for us when working from home while still having to meet deadlines and host virtual meetings.
Sleep inertia can last anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour, and for some people, it can last several hours. This is why it is so important for us to take action to minimize our fatigue so that we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to be productive.

How to fight against fatigue during the pandemic?
Step One: Go Outside
The reason for this is because sunlight helps regulate our bodies.
When it is light outside and we are exposed to the sun’s rays, our bodies naturally wake up and feel more alert. It also suppresses the release of melatonin which is the natural hormone that makes us feel sleepy.
Likewise, when we are not exposed to sunlight as well as in the evening hours, the body starts to wind down and release melatonin.
More often than not, people are spending way more time inside without going outside except for occasional trips to the supermarket and pharmacy.
It would be wise to increase the frequency of going outside and combine it with some physical activity like jogging or just taking a walk around the neighbourhood.
Step Two: Don’t Break the Routine
It is important for us to keep our schedules the same, so our bodies fall into the natural rhythm of feeling sleepy in the evenings and sleeping through the night.
There is nothing worse than falling into that vampire mode of being wide awake at night and exhausted throughout the day. If you do find yourself unable to sleep during the night, get out of bed for a bit and do a simple task like washing dishes or reading to help ease your mind back into rest mode.
Lastly, (and we know you’re going to hate it) don’t hit the snooze. Ok, maybe one time but if you had a bad night of sleep, it’s better to make it through the day tired than trying to get an extra hour or two, which throws off our sleep routine.
If you need a midday nap, then take around 20 minutes to recharge but no longer.
Step Three: Prepare Your Bedroom
Basically, you want to optimize your bedroom for falling asleep.
• Make sure the temperature is exactly how you want it, preferably a little cool but not freezing.
• Have clean sheets on the bed and things put away in their correct stations. You don’t want to fall asleep in chaos but in an orderly, relaxing environment.
• If you like to fall asleep with white noise or quiet instrumental music, then go ahead and play our Sleepy Dreams playlist on Spotify.
• Have your windows closed and your shutters or blinds pulled so the sunlight does not wake you too early.
All this preparation will help your body settle down when you finally hit the sheets and ease you into a relaxing slumber.
Step Four: Do Something Relaxing Before Bed
We suggest that you start your relaxing activity at least an hour before you want to be asleep.
Also, make sure that you aren’t relying upon alcohol or sleep tablets to make you feel sleepy.
• Alcohol has been proven to reduce quality sleep and leave you feeling worse in the morning.
• Tablets can also make you become dependent on chemicals to get to sleep, and over time your body will become somewhat immune to the dosage.
If you are having serious problems with sleep deprivation, then please consult your physician to get a professional opinion.
We hope you learned something from this blog post and that you can use it to deal with the pandemic fatigue.
Remember that you aren’t alone out there and that millions of others are having to deal with these drastic changes.
Make sure you give yourself a break from time to time and take care of yourself. Stay healthy and sleep tight!
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